Environmental Protection

 Fabtech ID is committed to protecting the environment by providing its employees with the means to reduce their waste production and by reducing its own production of greenhouse gases associated with its operations and shipping. ​

​Together, let's make the world of work safer and greener!

To this end, here are a number of concrete actions taken by the company   


We practice good waste management. 

By providing its employees with all the necessary equipment, Fabtech ID encourages zero waste meals.


Fabtech ID provides all its employees with green transportation in its offices, such as electric bicycles and scooters.

For business trips, carpooling is also encouraged..


The company ensures that the boxes it receives from its suppliers are reused for its own deliveries in order to reduce the use of single-use cardboard. 

The company has also made a commitment to reduce the frequency of its deliveries by consolidating shipments that are destined for the same customer. 


For its partners, it has implemented a padlock recycling program.

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Through these various efforts, Fabtech ID is aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.